The Femi9 Woman ™
Reclaiming The Art of Femininity

Note: Femi9 translates as feminine or femi-nine.

Women have been misinformed about who they are, why they are, the way they are. There is a Sisterhood that has been created, The Art of Femininity, where women 18 years and older can gather to learn, share, discuss and celebrate the many wonderful aspects of Be-ing a  Femi9 Woman.

The Femi9 Woman must re-member herstory. The story of the Sacred Bleeding Time, the true magical power of the Sacred Source:the Yoni(vulva,vagina), the joy of conception and the science behind it, the spiritual beauty of pregnancy and the ecstacy of birth, the wonders of bonding with your child through breastfeeding, the Sacred Dance...the joy of Sexual Magic,the true science and magic regarding menopause... in other words the Alchemy of Femininity in all of it's stages.

Goddess culture is on the rise and for very good reason. Too long the creative energy of the Femi9 has been denigrated, suppressed, even rewritten, but there must be balance in this world in order for peace to come. Women must realize all of their potential and rise to the occasion.

Earth-based rituals are happening everywhere, Sisterhoods are springing up, connections are being made and more research is being conducted. Both women and men are realizing the true nature of the Femi9 Energy and this energy is gaining more respect, but more still must come.

If the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, than I say from observation, the hand stopped rocking the cradle and the world is being run by the Spirit of Chaos and Destruction.

We have the ability to turn this around and acknowledging the Divinity of the Sensual/Sexual side of the Femi9 Woman and the Wisdom of the Elders, is the final step in our spiritual evolution.

The Art of Femininity was created to help to heal the broken parts, to dispense useful information, to uplift, educate and inspire all women, for we have all suffered at the hands of patriarchal rule.

I incorporate the Goddess culture from around the world. The blend is a good one. If the Goddess is everywhere, then truth is everywhere and no one culture owns the truth.

The Femi9 Woman is a woman working to attain her highest Femi9 qualities. She is me, she is you, she is every woman, even if she doesn't know it yet.

Let us gather together in the Spirit of Love, so that we may have the freedom to be what is ours by Divine Birthright, a woman who truly lives the Art of Femininity.

Pour yourself something to drink. A glass of water,herbal tea, a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Pull up a chair, put on some mood music, light a candle, burn some incense and let  us explore the often complex realm of the Art of Be-ing a Femi9 Woman.

If after reading this, you are interested in joining my Yahoo Group, The Art of Femininity,  go to the link at the end of this introduction and you will be able to subscribe.

Looking forward to us conversing soon.

Femi9 Love,

The Art of Femininity
Sacred Masculinity

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